This is it folks - the last club night of the season.
Registrations for ANQ Championships close TODAY (12th September 11:59pm). This is the premier athletics event in North Queensland. Register on the ANQ Website.
There is also now limited places left for the ANQ Coaching Clinic held on the school holidays. Don't miss your chance to learn from Australia's best Decathlete Cedric Dubler & multi event coach Eric Brown.
Equipment Setup
As usual, we have a BIG request for equipment setup assistance from 4:00pm onwards.
Anyone available to help please email the club or Facebook to let us know your details so we know who and how many can assist.
Canteen Assistance Canteen assistance needed from the 8 and 12 years age group this week. At least 2 people required.
Perpetual Trophies
If you won a perpetual trophy at last season, can you please return for this years club breakup and awards. Thank you to all who have already returned trophies.
Friday Night Program